Welcome to The Lion's Roar! The purpose of The Lion's Roar is to share information pertaining to the Red Lion Area Senior High School community.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Academic At Risk System


In an effort to help all students meet with success, the Red Lion Area Senior High School has implemented an “Academic At Risk System”.  The purpose of the “Academic At Risk System” is to provide students with the support, opportunities and skills that are necessary to improve their grades.


            The “Academic At Risk System” is based on a 15 day academic cycle.  During each 15 day cycle, teachers will conference with students who are achieving at or below a 64% in their respective classes.  During this conference, the student and teacher will discuss possible reasons why the student is not meeting with success and they will discuss strategies that will help the student be more successful.  The purpose of the teacher-student conference is to create an action plan that the student will follow with the goal of improving his/her overall grade in the class.  In addition to the student-teacher conference, teachers will also contact parents to share their concerns and discuss what strategies the student and parent can implement to help the student meet with success.
            At the end of each 15 day cycle, teachers will complete an “Academic Referral” for every student they teach that has a 64% or below.  All teachers will have access to the list of students who received an academic referral, with the goal of having numerous adults in the building who can encourage and assist students who are working on improving their grades.  There is also an “Academic At Risk Team” that will monitor the students who received academic referrals.  This team will monitor which students may need extra support based on the number of referrals they receive or how often they appear on the Academic At Risk referral list.  The “Academic At Risk Team” will also review the data to look for trends that we would be able to address to improve our academic programs. 

1 comment:

  1. Great idea. I am a believer that below a 70% is failing.
