Welcome to The Lion's Roar! The purpose of The Lion's Roar is to share information pertaining to the Red Lion Area Senior High School community.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Senior High Art Show

Art students from all levels and courses, from 2-D to 3-D showcased their work at a gallery in York city this past April 2 -6, 2013. Our Opening was Friday April 5th Pictured are just a few of the artworks that were on display.
I would like to thank YorkArts and CityArts for allowing us to use their gallery--Mr. Hopkins

Monday, April 15, 2013

Math Moodle

The Math Department is creating a Moodle website for next year's Geometry students.  The Moodle website can be used in a variety of ways.  It is a great method to share lesson plans, worksheets, and activities between teachers.  With new textbooks next year, Geometry students will only have a text book to use in class.  The Moodle will act as an at-home resource for homework and additional examples and practice. It will also be used as a resource to students who are absent.  By uploading worksheets, notes, and recordings of lessons (Educreations or Screencast-o-Matic) the students will have access to everything they have missed.  The Moodle is also a great way to keep parents involved.  We can post upcoming quizzes, tests, and large assignments in the calendar for everyone to see.  For some teachers, it will either supplement or replace the use of www.edmodo.com.

Constitutional Literacy Competition

In an effort to promote literacy in the U.S. Constitution and engagement in American government, the Red Lion Area Senior High School Social Studies Department facilitated the first 1st annual Constitutional Literacy Competition on Saturday, April 13.  Organized by Mr. Matt Maris, Mr. Garrett Bull, Mr. Jay Vasellas, and Ms. Megan J. Axe, the CLC sought to promote Constitutional literacy among young men and women, and foster a lifelong interest in the principles and practices of American government.  Twelve teams competed for a trip to Washington DC by demonstrating a comprehensive understanding in the principles and practices of American government.  The competition consisted of four rounds and 220 questions.  The atmosphere in the auditorium was electric with the crowd of parents, family, and friends actively following along with each question. At the end of the competition Zach S, Jon R, Corwin S, and Jack F were finalists while Aurora L, Lucas C, Nick K, and William C were crowned Constitutional Scholars. 

The CLC Committee would like to extend special thanks to our many friends who supported us in the organizing of this competition.  Special thanks to the RLASHS social studies department, Dr. Scott Deisley, Mr. Mark Shue, Mr. Brian Raab, Mr. Grant Gouker, and Mrs. Katharine Diorio for their continued support.  Special thanks to Representative Scott Perry for sponsoring the DC trip and Senator Robert Casey for providing pocket-sized Constitutions.  The CLC Committee looks forward to continuing this tradition in the spring of 2014.

Again, congratulations to the 2013 Constitutional Scholars: Aurora L, Lucas C, Nick K, and William C.

Students who participated in the first Constitutional Literacy Competition.

The winners of the Constitutional Literacy Competition

Guidance Newsletter

Check out the latest guidance newsletter!  Follow the link below to the Guidance Home Page and click on the Guidance Newsletter Link on the left hand side of the page under "More Info".

Guidance Newsletter

HACC York Campus

Guidance Parent Night

On Wednesday, April 17th from 7-8 pm, the high school Guidance Office will be hosting a parent seminar on the EdPlanner/CollegeBoard college search.  This seminar is open to all parents, but pre-registration is required.

If you wish to attend and learn how to utilize free links on college searches, provided by CollegeBoard, we welcome you to attend.  This hour-long seminar will be jammed-packed with information to help you streamline your child's college searches, how to prepare for college visitations and much, much more.

To register, please call the HS Guidance Office at 246.1611, ext. 6.

Again, the seminar will beheld in the HS Library on Wednesday, April 17th from 7-8 pm.  We hope to see you there!

The HS Guidance Office

York Arts Chalk Walk

Many of the NAHS members participated in the York Arts Chalk Walk held at the York Galleria Saturday April 13, 2013. There were enough members to create two murals.  The students spent time together creating their ideas and refining them.  Then took the designs to the Galleria can created the murals on large canvases using dry pastels.  Everyone had a great time and earned NAHS service hours.

Kelly McBrien

Music Department News...

The Red Lion Area Senior High School Music Department is extremely busy this Spring as most music departments tend to be!

The first concert of the Spring season is the Concert & Madrigal Choirs along with the Mixed Chorus. The concert will take place on Saturday evening, May 4 at 7:30 PM in the high school auditorium. Admission is $3 for the concert. The concert will feature music from pop/Broadway style to early American  (Aaron Copland) to modern day music (Eric Whitacre). Along with recognizing the senior members and handing out numerous awards, the Concert Choir will also be moving to the songs of The Lion King. They are currently rehearsing Monday evenings in preparation for this particular choreographed selection. Lastly, we will be premiering a musical composition by one of our own graduates, Miss Rebecca Gildea. Rebecca graduated in 2008 from Red Lion high school and pursued a music degree for four years. The piece Rebecca has written is titled “The Ships Are Made Ready In Silence” and will be premiered and conducted by Miss Gildea. This is a tremendous opportunity to see and hear the tremendous achievements of one of Red Lion’s own alumni.

The Madrigal Choir will be performing a free concert on Tuesday night, May 7th at 7 PM in the high school auditorium. They will be performing their entire medieval show that evening.

The Orchestra and Concert Band will perform their Spring Concert on Friday, May 10 at 7 PM. Tickets for this event is $3 as well. This Weekend of Music will conclude with the Symphonic, Jazz and Stage Bands on Saturday, May 11th at 7 PM. Again the admission is $3. Here both the String and Instrumental programs will honor their senior members and hand out numerous awards to students who have excelled in our program.

On Thursday evening, May 23rd, we will be inducting numerous Junior class members into the Modern Music Masters Honor Society. This is an international honor society that honors music students who excel in academics, music, leadership and character traits.

Also included in our busy Spring schedule are two elementary tours. The Show Choir will be touring our district on Tuesday, April 30th, and the Jazz Band touring on Thursday, May 2nd.  These same two groups will be performing at “Felton Days” on Saturday, May 11th during the morning hours.

To close out a very busy Spring season, the Concert Choir will be performing at Baccalaureate on Thursday, June 6th. The Symphonic Band and senior members of the Concert Choir will be performing at Commencement on Friday, June 7th.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

ASVAB Testing:

The Guidance Office is offering students in grades 10, 11, and 12, a free opportunity to take the ASVAB Career Exploration Test on Thursday, April 25th at 8 am, here at the high school.

The ASVAB Career Exploration Program can assist you in taking steps towards finding a career that is right for you.  You can benefit from the program, whether you plan to pursue further education or enter the workforce.

The program is designed to help you:
•    learn more about yourself and the world of work
•    explore occupations in line with your interests and skills
•    develop an effective strategy to realize your career goals

To sign-up for the ASVAB, stop in the guidance office no later than Friday, April 19th, and register.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Business Department News...

Here’s what’s happening in the Business Department these days.

Congratulations to the following HACC Academy Automotive Students; James A, Ben D, Mitch M, Brandon R, and Craig Z.  The students recently passed their station inspection test!  Now it’s on to the emissions testing.  By the end of the year they will all be licensed to emissions test and inspect your car!  Anybody need their car inspected?

Personal Law
Students who have taken Personal Law during their time at RL and who are 18 years old have an awesome opportunity on May 16. We will visit the State Correctional Institute in Camp Hill. Students will begin the day by signing in to the prison and accepting full responsibility to comply with all institutional rules. Students are amongst the inmates as they perform daily tasks whether it is lunch time, yard time, gym time, etc. This trip allows students to see what type of environment, routine, expectations, etc. are present in a state correctional facility compared to a county prison.  Judging from previous visits, this is an invaluable opportunity for each student to see what it is actually like inside the state prison system.

Introduction to Business
Intro students will soon begin their practical simulation -- Mean Jeans.

Students have been doing jigsaw activities and applying historical practices to present day business situations.  For example, the Hawthorne Studies with the Marriott Corporation and Abraham Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs to "If I were a CEO, I would...to move my employees from one level to the next for higher productivity and greater profitability."

Consumer Math
Students will soon be starting a 6 week simulation on Financial Management. 

Students are getting ready for their Marketing Fair to be held on Wednesday, May 22.


This Week in Red Lion Athletics...

Boys Lacrosse The Lions won over the weekend with a score of 8-3, after taking on the Irish of York Catholic at home. Another victory gets claimed by the Lions as they start the week with a 4-3 win against South Western. The boys’ next game is Wednesday, April 10th at New Oxford where they will take on the Colonials. The game is set  begin at 7:00 PM. The week comes to a close with a league game against the Spring Grove Rockets at home on Friday.
Girls Lacrosse On Saturday, the Lady Lions lost to Carlisle by one point, 16-15, in a tight match up. Continuing play on Monday, the team would lose against the Mustangs of South Western as well. However, the girls have a possibility to get more wins under their belt as they look to host New Oxford at home on Wednesday, and when they head to Spring Grove on Friday. To complete the week, the Lady Lions will play against York Catholic for a tough battle on Saturday.

Boys Volleyball The boys represented Red Lion well in their tournament this past Saturday. Varsity went all the way to the finals and finished second after losing to Pennridge, a highly ranked school. This week they will continue play starting in Spring Grove on Tuesday, and Thursday as they play Northeastern at home. Both games varsity will start right after JV finishes playing.  
Boys Tennis After beating Northeastern 5-2 on Friday, Tennis will return to competition Tuesday afternoon versus cross-town rival Dallastown at home. On Thursday, the team will go on the road to match the Colonials of New Oxford. A minimal break will put the Lions back on the courts Friday, this time at home, as they will then take on York Suburban.

Track & Field The team will honor the seniors at home Tuesday night as they take on the Dallastown Wildcats. Both boys and girls teams currently stand undefeated, after beating New Oxford last week. Senior night festivities are set to begin at 3:45.

Baseball The Lions start off the week on the right track, beating Central York on Monday with a final score of 10-2. They will travel across the county on Wednesday to take on the Mustangs of Southwestern for a league event.

Softball Currently standing at 3-2, the Lady Lions started the week off with a 13-7 home win versus the Lady Panthers of Central York. On Wednesday the team will go on the road to take on a solid Mustang squad in hopes of starting a new win streak. Softball will also host their very own Lady Lion Tournament over the course of Saturday. Kennard-Dale, Spring Grove and Twin-Valley will be making guest appearances.

--By Whitney Johnson and Ben Otte

Come out and support your Lions this week! LION PRIDE DIGS DEEP! Best of luck to all athletes!

For scores and up-to-date information, be sure to follow the Athletic Dept. via Twitter @RLAthletics. Get the latest information regarding schedules and scores on http://tinyurl.com/aa89wwe .

Thursday, April 4, 2013


This Week in Red Lion Athletics...

Boys Lacrosse Coming of a 6-3 win last Thursday versus the Trojans of York Suburban, the Lions will aim to start a winning streak on Wednesday as they travel to Central York to take on the Panthers. The team will then compete on their home turf Friday and Saturday as they look to play Dallastown and York Catholic.
Girls Lacrosse The Lady Lions have a busy scheduled week ahead of them. To start the week, on Monday the team will go on the road to take on New Oxford. Their only home match will take place on Wednesday at 4:15 pm as the Panthers of Central York will make an appearance on Horn Field. The team will travel a few miles to cross-town rival Dallastown on Thursday to compete against the Lady Wildcats. A long week will come to a close on Saturday morning, where the Lady Lions are scheduled to play in Carlisle at 11:00 am for a match against the Thundering Herd.

Boys Volleyball The Fitzkee Center will be the home of the Lions squad Tuesday night as they will take on the Dover Eagles at 7:30 pm. The team will travel across the county Thursday night to attack the frontlines of the New Oxford Colonials. Competition will be on the rise on Saturday as the team goes on the road to partake in Northeastern’s Bobcat Invitational.
Boys Tennis Key matches this week could determine the value of this squad. Boys tennis will start the work week on its home courts on Tuesday against York Catholic. The team will then continue its presence there on Wednesday as they will take on a dangerous Mustangs squad of Southwestern. On Friday, an away match versus the Northeastern Bobcats will put this week in the books.

Track & Field After a massive win against Spring Grove last week that put the Lions at a 1-0 record, the team will go on the road Thursday to take on New Oxford. This meet was originally scheduled for March 26, but needed to be postponed due to inclement weather.

Baseball A tremendous win versus the Bulldogs of West York (defending state champions) has given the team much momentum to continue the success they have experienced thus far. The Lions will compete for a win against Daniel Boone on Monday at Horn Field. Wednesday and Friday will be road trips for the squad as they visit New Oxford and Dallastown.

Softball An 11-3 win against Columbia last Thursday will hopefully carry the Lady Lions through this week. The Trojans of York Suburban will come to town on Monday to start it off. League play continues for the remainder of the week as the team will go on the road to take on Spring Grove and Dallastown on Wednesday and Friday.

Come out and support your Lions this week! LION PRIDE DIGS DEEP! Best of luck to all athletes!

For scores and up-to-date information, be sure to follow the Athletic Dept. via Twitter @RLAthletics. Get the latest information regarding schedules and scores on http://tinyurl.com/aa89wwe

-Ben Otte

Science Department News...

The science department has been working with a number of students recently on their science fair projects.  Students in honors science classes are required to complete a research project and presentation board.  Along the way, students keep a research journal and learn how to conduct a research investigation.  This project typically counts towards the 3rd marking period grade for students.  Once complete, students have the option of continuing on and entering the York County Science & Engineering Fair.

The YCSEF is held near the beginning of March.  Students entering the fair must also complete a research paper and participate in an interview.  This year, we had a record 53 participants from Red Lion.  This was our most successful year in the fair.  We had 15 first place awards.  These students returned to the fair for second day judging.  These students earned first place awards with their project titles:

Elizabeth Anderson  Antioxidants: Effective or a Hoax?
Carissa Argento         The Effects that Listening to Music has on a Individual's Blood Pressure
Cooper Barshinger    Fishy Plants
Paige Baublitz            Can You Teach Old Dogs New Tricks?
Adrianna Clinton       The Impact of Music on Academic Performance
Heather Jackson        Lime Juice: Harmless or Deadly?
Kethmini Jayamaha  Disintegration of Headace Medication
Haley Knapp              Electromagnetic Field Effects on Magnetoreception in Cattle
Nicholas Koterwas    Angular Revolution
Anna Lorenzen          Dirty Mouths
Allison McKenzie      Shut Up and Drive!
Kristina Morton         Grey Water's Effect on Plants
Jennifer Owrutsky    Wind Energy
Tyler Robbins            Apparent Motion and Animation
Emma Snyder            Oil, Plants, and Probes O my!
Olivia Tarman            Electrolyte Levels
Kristen Webster        Digestion, Alkalization, and Antioxidant Properties of Cocoa

In addition these students won special awards:

Allison McKenzie – American Psychological Award
Emma Snyder – Association for Women Geoscientists
Lucas Crumling – ASM (Materials Science) Senior Award
Hayley Althoff – James R Holley Engineering Award
Brianna McKinnell – Barbara Wills Spirit Award
Matthew Doll – Harrisburg University Award including 1 year’s tuition
Kristen Webster - $1000 for the Adhesives Research Award, American Chemical Society Award, and BioGenius Award

English Department News...

March English Students of the Month
Featured Teachers: Mrs. Wolfe and MIss Bollinger

Mrs. Wolfe: 
Jennifer H (10 CP) is an exemplary student in 10th grade English. She works hard and is enthusiastic and patient. Whenever Jenn completes an assignment, she gives it 110% of her effort. Mrs. Wolfe is proud to have her as an English student this year.

Nick K (10 CP) is a superb 10th grade English student. He goes above and beyond what he needs to do in class and helps his classmates when they struggle. Nick is a very diligent student who takes his time and thinks critically. It is a pleasure to have him in class this year.

Miss Bollinger:
Gabriella Z (9 Honors)
Gabby is always prepared for class, attentive, and exudes positive energy everyday in the classroom.  She is extremely polite and relishes reading and writing.  Her dependability coupled with her will to learn definitely makes her a candidate this month.

Sabrina M (10 Comp)
Much like Gabby, Sabrina is always prepared for class and prompt.  She participates in class discussions and is very polite.  She remains on task for the duration of the class period and exudes positive energy as well.